Today the Pennsylvania Republican Party had its Chairman Election and Elected Senator Greg Rothman as the new State GOP of the Pennsylvania Republican Party. Greg Rothman was the establishment pick of the GOP. Fact yours truly Dave McCormick newly elected Federal PA Senate recruited him and pushed for Greg Rothman to be Republican Party Chairman. Little did we know that Greg’s team had threatened Ted Christian business that if he ran he would lose business so Ted Christian dropped out. This only gives one to my mind only those who know or think they are going to lose threaten people so they can win. Greg also threatened Stacey Garreity career PA Treasurer that was just reelected.
Not only has Greg’s team threatened all these people but the thing that really sticks out is he was an ex GOP chair and had forgery record and smear on him and he’s also State Senator in the PA House. Which reeks of conflict of interest.
He also has been to Cuba dozens of times on his own to play baseball and communicate with Cuba in something called Engage Cuba many other Democrat Officials like Patrick Leaghy, Diane Feinstien and few others have visited Cuba on Engage Cuba.
Now that the RINO Establishment PAGOP has elected their candidate they have awakened a den of angry lions. And the only thing to do now is to rebuild the PAGOP by Precinct Strategy by running in the 2026 Election for State Committee in Pennsylvania all America First and MAGA Movement people must run for County and State Committee to overtake the PAGOP. Only 31% of the PAGOP are MAGA. And we need 51% to turn it over. It’s time to finish what we started and keep filling up the Precinct Committee seats County and State seats that is.