To Move Forward, Democrats Must Oust Obama

By John Kass

Sunday Dec. 8, 2024

The historic political comeback of Donald Trump has left Democrats largely unable and unwilling to process what they’ve done to themselves.

Yes, they whine and cry and emote, like wounded adolescent narcissists, because that’s all they can do.  What of cold-eyed analysis that might compel them to make difficult choices and save what remains of their party? No. They’re afraid. That is beyond them now. They’re locked in their doom loop.

In granting Trump the White House through an electoral college landslide and popular vote, American voters also made it clear that they were fed up with leftist ideology. This includes allowing criminal gangs to bring poisonous fentanyl over the Democrat open borders, to those do-nothing Soros prosecutors and the crown signature jewel of the Marxist Obama left that eviscerated merit and used racism to awarded American resources:


But how did America get to the point where Republicans, once the country club white shoe party of the Bush family, could begin to wrestle with Democrats for the votes of the working class, minorities and women? How did the Republicans win so decisively?

It was Trump. What he did in remaking the Republican Party is simply astounding. But first he had to politically eviscerate the Bush family political dynasty that controlled the GOP. And so he relentlessly attacked Jeb!, then the standard bearer of the Bush clan for the disastrous war in Iraq, which slaughtered  thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis while wasting trillions of American dollars on this and other endless neo-con forever wars.

With that, the Bush GOP  panicked and whined, but the Bush era was mercifully over. Eventually, working class whites, blacks, Latinos and young people turned their backs on the Democrat Party that had betrayed them.

But none of that would have happened if Trump didn’t have the guts to pull the Bushes out from the roots.

Oh yes, the Bush Republicans were horrified. George Will and the other noblesse oblige Republicans with their condescending smiling superiority toward working people were finished. And they knew it. As they declined into a cottage industry of resentment, lingering and sniffing around Washington, they became the never-Trumpers like the Cheney family and William Kristol, the second generation neo-conservative and a godfather of the endless wars.

Happily, no one listens to them now.

What’s next?


It is the vehicle that perpetuates the racist idiocy of acolytes of Barack Obama, people like Ta-Nehisi Coates and Robin DiAngelo. It has fed the culturally corrosive and discredited theory of the  “1619 Project,” authored Nicole Hannah-Jones and embraced by other race hustlers at the Marxist New York Times. It helped weaken military cohesion. Now many corporations are pulling back from DEI policies, from Walmart to Toyota and more. And good old-fashioned merit might be ready to make a comeback.

Because on November 5, the America people said “No.” Common sense defeated left wing racism. And President Barack Obama’s third term in office–through his senile meat puppet Joe Biden– came to an end.

Many Democrats, from the hysterical lunatics performing on MSNBC to the taxpayer-funded Marxists of National Public Radio that joined other corporate media outlets in censoring and suppressing stories of Hunter Biden’s laptop were so amazed by Trump’s victory that they were left to gibber and gnash their teeth. And now the Democrats are now faced with a choice:

They can try and recapture what they had long championed and again become a party of the people, or they can continue following the discredited Clintons and Obamas down the sewer, while hoping against hope that Americans who rejected them on November 5 will be stupid enough to return to them for another beating.

After all, marketing is said to achieve miracles. Just ask the geniuses at Bud Light.

To win in the future, the Democrats must tear down Obama just as Trump tore down the Bushes. A new Democrat faith must emerge to launch a frontal assault on Obama’s keep in Martha’s Vineyard, sacking it and salting the earth. It must reject the cynical use of race to generate ugly tribalism.

Remember that Obama–who just the other day in a speech in Chicago talked about compromise and turning away from identity politics in order to save democracy–orchestrated two separate coup attempts against sitting American presidents. The first against Donald Trump damaged Trump from the outset and left his administration open to the depredations of the Obama Deep State including corrupt FBI and Intelligence officials, and later there was the Obama coup against Biden, which humiliated the senile old man and ended Biden’s presidency in all but name last summer.

Obama honors himself at every opportunity. But he is America’s one-eyed jack. And we’ve seen the other side of his face.

But who would lead the attack against Obama and risk the enmity of the well-heeled Democrat interest groups? Most importantly, who in the Democrat Party can play the iconoclast and take on the party’s neo-Marxist creed of racial and other grievances?

Obama pretends to rise above grievance, but he’s reliant upon it like an addict, like the “Revs” Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, though far silkier and smoother. Remember just weeks ago when Obama was lecturing young black men who weren’t enthralled with the presidential candidacy of Kamala Harris. Bitter and angry, he harangued them on what he could only understand as the sexism of the great unwashed. It was a rap he had used before. And it had treated him so well in the past. It reverberated in the halls of his many mansions. Perhaps even in that mansion on liberal Martha’s Vineyard, the vacation paradise for the immensely wealthy that was off limits to impoverished illegal migrants who’d crossed the border on Democrat invitation.

Yet those young men who he tried to shame didn’t live among the elites of Martha’s Vineyard or the Gold Coast of Chicago. And they weren’t insulated from the poor economy and pressure from the illegals. Instead, Obama was revealed by his own mouth to be be a complete and utter phony. You could almost hear regular people, those who had been Democrats, shouting “F  You  Barack” from every corner in every swing state.

Perhaps Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro could take on Obama.  Maybe Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer would do it, or even that supremely, obviously ambitious Californian with the greasy hair, Gov. Gavin Newsom. But do any of them really want to challenge? Not just Obama but his acolytes, his proselytizers, his disciples, his praetorians.

Speaking of which, Obama wingman David Axelrod, who for years swam in the oily waters of the Chicago Way, has realized the coming threat to his golden goose.  And like all successful cynics, Axelrod is nothing if not perceptive.

“If they said, ‘Well, what should we do? Who should lead the party?’ I would take Ambassador Rahm Emanuel, and I would bring him back from Japan and I would appoint him chairman of the Democratic National Committee,” Axelrod said on his podcast. “He is the most skillful, political kind of infighter in the Democratic Party. … He’s been a member of Congress, he’s been White House chief of staff, he’s been the mayor of Chicago. Now, he’s been ambassador to Japan, and he ran, in 2005 and [2006], the campaign to take back the House.”

Emanuel is all of these things yes, but he’s also an Obama man.  He will forever be remembered in Chicago as the guy who tried squashing a Chicago Police video showing a white cop shooting black teen-ager Laquan McDonald. Recently, Emanuel turned down the possibility of protecting Obama’s flanks. He’s always been a self-preservationist. Maybe he doesn’t want to risk a cruise on the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Study carefully the face in the picture below surrounded by clergy, and you will understand Emanuel’s virtue: That he’ll do what it takes to protect himself. He’ll do anything.


Rahm Emanuel channels the Holy Spirit in hoping to cleanse himself of the Laquan McDonald cover-up fiasco

Please make no mistake about this column. I’m not trying to protect Obama’s legacy. But a broken Democrat Party doesn’t really help America. Barack is still the phony I knew in Chicago, when he had Tony Rezko buying his dreamhouse and the Tribune carrying his water, and he was sucking up to the Daleys and stabbing his old lefty allies in the back. He helped himself, yes, he did not help black Chicago. He could have helped stop the street gang violence. He could have supported police and prosecutors in the battles against the gangs. But he only cared about himself.  He’s been the corrosive force that weakened the Democrat Party infrastructure through DEI and the rest of that Marxist nonsense.

And now, as wealthy donors build him a great temple on priceless Chicago lakefront park land, the Big O is more vulnerable than he’s ever been.

“I think Barack is already finished, already old news,” said a lifelong Chicago Democrat who was involved in the highest reaches of Chicago politics for decades. “Democrats don’t have to find somebody to take him out. He’s already taken himself out. This isn’t Julius Caesar getting stabbed in the back on the floor of the Senate. It’s not that dramatic. He and Nancy Pelosi beat up a senile old man who was once useful, and they were done with him. But those young black men he lectured, those Latinos and the woman who voted for Trump, they all turned their back on Obama.”

In the true Chicago Way, Barack Obama and his meat puppet Joe made scores and more scores and pass generational wealth to their families. Obama’s mansions in Chicago, Washington, Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard where illegal migrants aren’t allowed, and Joe Biden’s mansions on the Delaware Shore were purchased through allies who wanted their influence, and to touch their political power.

This is the true meaning of “the audacity of hope.” The rest is just simply feed for the screeching empty-headed jays.

The Trump family made its own fortune by taking their own risks, building hotels, and tough men poured that concrete for them.

And Obama and his  China Joe? They made theirs through politics, through influence, back slapping and rubbing elbows, always looking to find the most important people in the room, as they devoured the soul of their country. Did they produce anything? No. All they did was talk and posture and talk some more.

Americans, including Democrats, deserve better.



About the author: John Kass spent decades as a political writer and news columnist in Chicago working at a major metropolitan newspaper. He is co-host of The Chicago Way podcast. And he just loves his “No Chumbolone” hat, because is a “No Chumbolone” Zone where you can always get a cup of common sense.

Merchandise Now Available: If you’re looking for that Christmas or holiday gift for that hard-to-buy for special someone who has everything, just click on the link to the store.

Where else would you find a No Chumbolone™ cap or a Chicago Way™ coffee cup?

Because I know this about you: You’re no Chumbolone.


Comments 59

    1. Thanks Shari Dove:
      I wrote this after he’d given his speech in Chicago condemning identity politics when he’s championed the same corrosive crap stew for years. He’s a phony. And if the Democrats don’t oust him the way Donald Trump ended the Bush regime and their endless wars, then Democrats won’t be a political party. They’ll be a joke

      1. When I saw him scolding young campaign workers for being (and, if they didn’t tow the line), “sexist,” it got me a’wonderin’.

        So, a junior IL male Senator takes down the probably first successful woman’s presidential candidacy. Nothing to see here? Why, was that not sexist? But of course, Barack is special.

        People outside of IL have no idea of IL. And what it spawns.

    2. You nailed this one. Barack O always seemed like a phony pol pandering to get up the
      Democrat ladder. All I can say is ” Bless me father for I have sinned. I am enjoying Barack Obama’s exposure as the true phony that he is.” 3 Our Fathers, 3 Hail Mary’s.

  1. The democrats will not leave the Obamas. They worship the game he plays, his angle of “victimhood.” Look at Chicago, which can certainly be seen as a microcosm of the democrat’s world. Chicago had a disastrous mayor in Lightfoot. They also had a potential savior, Vallas. But, falling back into old habits, Chicago picked the race-baiting communist, a clown truly closer to Obama than any others, although devoid of the intelligence, skill and ruthlessness of Barack. The democrats will never take the hard choice because theirs is not a way requiring thought and reflection.

  2. Too true! Great Column. Another question is when will the Democrats begin to see that sword of Damocles hanging over them in the form of the 2030 census. An internal migration that gets little press due to the immigrant migration is about to hit like a meteor. Ca, NY, Pa, Mi, Wi, & Il all will likely lose seats [6-12 from what I read] all flowing to Tx, Fl, SC, & Tn. Short some great scandal or catastrophe that means A GOP Senate, likely a GOP House, and an Electoral College advantage favoring the GOP for a decade or more. Rebuilding the Dem Party is really a hot-rush priority and I don’t see the urgency. Next year’s elections in Va and NJ could be VERY interesting.

    1. Unfortunately I would not bet on that. As pointed out by many others – including the residents of the red states you mention – those fleeing the peoples’ republics of Ca, NY and the other blue paradises – often bring their deeply held destructive left wing woke politics with them. There are many reasons to flee those bolshevik blue paradises. But giving up one’s deeply held woke world view is not one of them. In fact a metaphor for what you describe is metastatic spread of cancer.

      1. Bruce, you are correct. New Jersey and New York transplants to South Carolina bring woke attitudes and votes. We constantly ask them why they left…..a refresher question. We are not out of the woods here.

  3. I’m almost ashamed to admit that I was under St. Barack’s spell back in 08 and 12. His words flowed like honey and were like a soothing salve on an open wound. I thought he would be good for the country and particularly good for Chicago.

    After he sicced the IRS on his enemies, after he sent pallets of cash to Iran, after the lecturing/hectoring he and Michelle did throughout the recent campaign, more and more are waking up to the Obama grift.

    Lets hope Kasso is prescient and that the Obamas and Clintons are permanently in the political rear view.

  4. Barry ” Where’s the gate?” Obama is, was and always shall be the PMSing little bitchboy he was whil working for Billy Ayers at the Woods Fund.

    This send up is pure Gold. ” Barack is still the phony I knew in Chicago, when he had Tony Rezko buying his dreamhouse and the Tribune carrying his water, and he was sucking up to the Daleys and stabbing his old lefty allies in the back. He helped himself, yes, he did not help black Chicago. He could have helped stop the street gang violence. He could have supported police and prosecutors in the battles against the gangs. But he only cared about himself. ”

    Trump’s masterful thumping of everything Barack on November 5th set the table for folks doped by HOPE to go cold turkey.

    Obama can skulk in the Hamptons

    Well done, John Kass!!!!!!!

  5. Your well coined word of Hopium has hopefully run its course. The speech by Obummer to young black men was pure desperation. What was to be Obama 4.0 was doomed by the manipulation of Pelosi Schumer and the Prince of MarthasVinyard himself . Interesting that Biden chose there to celebrate Thanksgiving and perform the “miracle” of pardoning Sonny boy bag man Hunter. (Wait for it….. his brother and Fauci will get their golden ticket too.) Watching the show in Grant Park after Obama’s first election although not voting for him had hope that maybe there was some good to come. We got Tribalism and the groundwork for DEI, boys in girls locker rooms and gender bending. Trump 1 upset that plan for four years. The people were starting to awaken. It was tamped down (stolen?) when Sleepy Joe won. All the mayhem and crazy ideas that were supposed to happen index Hillary now were the Meat Puppet’s job. He did so admirably opening the borders, pushing DEI, abortion on demand boys in girls locker rooms and sports, trans surgeries and Covid shutdowns. Big box were open but mom and pops withered. Schools closed but the teachers got paid. Not like the rest of us. Then when Joe stumbled and fell in probably the worst disaster in Dem history, the powerful said “Kamala you are just the ticket!” The ultimate DEI hire! Ummmm. NO. The masses had finally awakened, in spite of the “hate has no home” signs that belied a deep hatred of Trump. Republicans won WH and Congress. Now just don’t screw it up !

    1. John-you are absolutely correct in saying “ now don’t screw it up”. Trumps 1st 2 years in his 2nd term will tell us how this will play out. If he can stay out of his own way, accept the fact that he is in his final term, and allow himself to step aside and allow his presumptive successor ( probably JD Vance) to take the spotlight and the wheel from him, the Republican Party should be able to reign control for the next 8-12 years.
      Unfortunately, he is inheriting a lot of global and domestic turmoil, which most certainly the MSM will try and pin on him if things ( literally) blow up. I am cautiously optimistic that he can right this ship, as long as those from within don’t purposely sabotage it. Never underestimate the capacity and capability the Democrats will go to to make others look bad in order to regain power. The majority would throw their mothers in front of a train if it gave them some power back.

  6. Great column John. I’m waiting how long it will take Obama to realize he’s done. I believe his ego will never accept he’s irrelevant but I bet Michelle knows it’s over.

  7. Obama’s campaign posters that looked like Communist propaganda and his marketing as if he were a Roman god were enough to turn me off. Then there were his speeches, which were delivered with such silkiness, read off teleprompters that never made me tingle. All one had to do was listen to the words not the delivery and know that he was not the real deal. Will the Dems wake up? How can they when all they do is DEI? How can the left take down the first black president without being called racists and hypocrites for suddenly doing an about face to support merit?

  8. Yianni,
    If it walks, talks and looks like an empty suit…then it’s an empty suit…aka community organizers – like Obama and Brandon of Chicago. Neither gave a damn about the city, state or country, only caring about how to get rich while in office, pandering and pontificating to the masses while picking their pockets! The dem-socialist party will take decades to un-bama itself as Barry and Michelle’s egos won’t allow them to fade into oblivion like Joe mumble’s fate. And I fear Chicago taxpayers will be forever reminded of O’s impact on us as his temple in Jackson Park becomes an albatross around our necks due to lack of attendance and/or interest!! Moving on is so difficult once you get “a taste!”

  9. JK offers valuable insight to the Donkeycrats here. Feel confident that they won’t take it. They’re too busy braying.

    And what should Chicago Dems do with that magnificent Taj Mabama they’re building on the South Side greenery they confiscated? Here’s another practical suggestion: Turn it into the big jail that Soros-subverted Chicago so desperately needs. Save room for aldermen.

  10. Thanks John. It’s about time someone started to talk publicly about Sleezeball Obama. Remember way back just after his Bill Ayers Community Organizer days, The Machine ran him for Congress and his only opponent got run off the ballot?
    He’s just another snake oil peddler.

  11. Beautiful summary of Presidential politics of the last 16 years. Glad to be a subscriber.

    The Obamas haven’t visited their Kenwood home since 2017. It is now a tourist attraction. This underscores his phoniness. His Chicago and Illinois political career took off like a rocket, but since he became President, he just passes thru from time to time. Otherwise, he’s never here.

  12. Yes, Trump “politically eviscerate[d]” the Bush dynasty, but there is more.

    Kelly Anne Conway said it best: Trump single-handedly ended the Bush dynasty, the Clinton dynasty, the Obama dynasty, the Biden Crime Family dynasty, and the Cheney dynasty in his short 8 yrs in politics, leaving flotsam and jetsam in their wake. After Democrats mendaciously used covid and rioting to defeat him in 2020, he has staged the greatest comeback in American electoral history.

    Watching all those smug leftist commentators melt like the wicked witch of the East before our eyes as election night progressed was highly entertaining.

    Great column, John.

    1. Yes, I do remember watching Telemundo (NBC’s partner) on election night. Kamala was at 85 electoral votes and Trump got close to 200. The pollster keep telling the audience “tengan patiencia, tengan patiencia” while showing their expert explaining how the majority of border states never failed democrats!
      And to this day I have yet to hear the news acknowledge Biden’s blanket pardon and they keep blabbering everyday about how Trump’s nominees are shot down.

  13. Barry won the “ ghetto lottery” and he’s still cashing those checks. He’s riding this horse until his sun sets. He’s only 63. He’ll be on the payroll for a few more decades.

  14. Okay exorcise Obama. Now what? What do Democrats stand for today besides DEI? Big government. America doesn’t want big government.

    What’s going to be their “center”? Trump claimed it by exorcising the Bushes. He still has work to do and it is obvious when you look at Senators. (Cornyn, Murkowski etc). But, he has momentum and an ideological backer with money in Musk.

    Simply be oppositional to Trump while clinging to the past won’t work for them.

  15. …and that’s why you write the columns, and I read them! Excellent writing Mr. Kass!
    But Trump and the Republicans need to deliver. Trump and the Republicans spoke well and it appears that they are off to a start, but for the black & Latino voters there needs to be a visual deliverable. A big one. Over the last few weeks after the election, I was astonished how brain washed the Democrat voters are. I’m not talking about the screech queens on The View but people like the guy at Costco or my delivery guy who still hold this illogical view. It’s going to be, once again, an uphill battle for President Trump. What crap will the Dems throw out now? I doubt Obama will fade away quietly.

    1. “the guy at Costco or my delivery guy who still hold this illogical view”? Look at my family! -one Valedictorian & a Mechanical -Structural Engineer, and a Salutatorian & Summa Cum Laude Aerospace Research Engineer cum Emergency Medicine Physician and their mother all are worse demoRats! My son even said I was not welcome at his liberals filled thanksgiving table if I did not vote for Billary in 2016! that made me promptly cancel my air flight.
      I myself turned against the ‘war-monging’ Republicans when in 1956 I read about Eisenhower pushing cold war during my high school year till I came to Chicago when decent politicians like Chuck Percy and Paul Simon in office and voted for Jim Edgar in 1994. I voted for this clown Obama in 2008 because I was against John McCain trying to cash in on his war involvement. Then When in 2012 Obama “evolved” in his views about gay unions and made his VP Biden announce his administration’s support for gays in order to gain few million votes, I finally woke up and figured out how sleazy this Obama Creature was!.
      And finally, I only hope, as some one suggested in this column, that Trump train JD Vance and give him a chance to grow in his administration so as to to keep these Rats away from creeping back.

      1. Wow. I thought I had some political family problems. I disagree with wife, mother, father, more, and not on speaking terms with sister in law. Your’s are worse!

  16. As an Obama Democrat but even long before him,a George McGovern volunteer in ’72,I do not want extreme progressive change. The center has always been a better way to make compromises. But,I have never voted for Trump because I watched him in NYC region when I grew up on the Jersey side,stiff contractors on bills,help his Atlantic City casinos go bankrupt while he walked away claiming he only licensed his name to them,etc. He believes in himself. He had skillful smear pros Mr.LaCivita and Ms.Wiles do the dirty work to peel off indy voters and enough Hispanics. I am willing to wait but I did not expect Obama to work miracles as President,either.His refusal to help Syria rebels prolonged awful Assad atrocities. He would not exit Afghanistan but neither did Trump. So,while John and his followers will say I am out of touch as a loser; this was not a landslide win for MAGAs. Fox News,Rupert Murdoch and Elon Musk won,too. And Obama has a sweet Netflix deal so he need not disappear like old Jesse Jackson or Dorian Grey like Al Sharpton who just won’t stop. But Obama did get healthcare reform and greenlighted the bin Laden Seal team raid in Pakistan. No,he did not deserve a Peace Prize. But,Democrats can build on his achievements and make sure California politicians have no leading roles for at least ten years. Too much big $$ from Hyde Park patrician interests and Brentwood,LA celebrities and don’t forget OPRAH,have hurt Democrats even in 2020. Let’s also see if any lessons are learned. I won’t hold my breath.

  17. Kass gold, but not the exchange medium recognized by the Dem brahmins. They are like a political cargo cult, substituting their fading icons in place of the usual discarded shipping crates. Put differently, the serfs didn’t like their circuses any more, and couldn’t afford the peanuts.

  18. John, I would agree with the points you made but do you think that, at this point, 44 really cares? He was ticked off that president Biden threw a wrench into his plans for a 4th term.

    From what I read and viewed since November 5th, the “Resistance” has already started although it’s gratifying to see the Main Street media eating some humble pie.

    PS. By the way, loved the way president Trump “maneuvered” Gaetz out of Congress and off stage. One less headache to deal with.

  19. John Kass, your picture perfect of history and the Democrat Party become a portrait and a far richer portrait than any kind of Hunter’s brushes could produce. Well done John Kass and may God continue to bless us all with your presence for a long time.
    Gardening amongst the bushes and tearing them up roots and all was delicious in great taste. Thank you for this column kind sir and keep on keeping on.

  20. Always looking for some pithy comment to make here. But this column says it all. Nice. Obama is not a good person.

    The message to the working class from the Dems has been “you can’t make it without us.” Trump came back and said “I can’t make it without you.” Trump gives respect and dignity to the middle class.

  21. Spot. On, John! The grifting could be considered the cost of doing business, IF OB’s 3 terms were great by any stretch of the term. The Biden coup could considered acceptable IF the cabal was running a smooth ship.

    But none of that is true, and everybody can see it in from their own perspectives. The grifters keep their cash. If Trump’s hotels fail, he can lose something. Many millionaires over the course of history have lost everything.

  22. “…President Barack Obama’s third term in office – through his senile meat puppet Joe Biden – came to an end.”

    Actually, John, that was the first sodomite’s fourth term – the deep state had so thoroughly infiltrated Trump’s first administration that the turd in the punch bowl was actually pulling the strings of federal judges to obstruct and/or strike down initiatives and EOs; the FBI to slow-walk directives, only partially implement administration policy and even then at a snail’s pace, and in the field, to ignore it completely; the military leadership all but engaging in a mutiny against the C-i-C, et al.

  23. Part of true justice in all of this, is Pelosi (the leader of the party) be prosecuted for insider trading. Then the filth of the party Schiff, Clyburn, etc., must be tossed out of congress. In Schiff’s case, jail him for fraud.

  24. It’s ironic that the poor saps who cried at Obama’s inauguration because they actually believed he represented “hope and change” now have to look at what inevitably happened. A man with orange hair and a childish personal demeanor, Obama’s exact political opposite, actually gave hope to millions upon millions of Americans. He also will bring real change. Whether it’s the kind of change that the country actually wants remains to be seen. I hope it’s what I think it will be. (It won’t be enough change for me but it will stop the bleeding for a while and I have some hope again.) Another great article John.

  25. Great column again. If I could put words together like you do I would write a column just like yours. Thank you for writing what we all wanted to hear. Thank you John.

  26. We were so happy in the early morning hours of November 6, 2024, not only because Trump won, but that we knew Obama was not going to get his fourth destructive term of office. When I see him speak now (down to us ignorant rubes) I can smell the desperation emanating from his once-great being. Time to go spend some time in Hawaii and lick your wounds. Bah bye, Barack!

  27. John well done.
    You are very knowledgeable about Chicago politics and the democratic party so you know he was never really a true Chicago Democrat. When he ran for the state senate seat from Hyde Park most Chicago democrats never knew who was and couldn’t even pronounce his name.
    His speech at the 2004 Democrat convention put him on the national stage and the rest is history. He and Michelle have made a fortune on the sale of their books.
    He and his close supporters should quit while they are still ahead.

  28. John, you left out the coup against Bernie Sanders, who probably received a princely sum to let Cankles take his place. Democrats & Rino’s don’t care about the people they are elected to serve. They care only for pure, unadulterated power & will do anything to achieve or maintain that power. As for Daniel Burnham’s plan, “The Lakefront by right belongs to the people.” “Not a foot of its shores should be appropriated to the exclusion of the people.” Yet our leaders trampled on that just as they do the US Constitution. May a giant sinkhole or other disaster destroy that temple to Moloch Obama once it is completed.

  29. Hoping an extended stint in Federal Prison will be the sinkhole needed to offset the Taj Mabama
    I’ll admit, that guy had me smoked back in the day. Thanks JK for helping us who are politically naive!

  30. Gosh, I hope people will finally see through “the science is settled/take a peak at these salacious divorce details of candidate Brady” St Obama. You called it long before me! I was quite hopeful after his initial election to President…………………until he compelled that poor cop to sit with him and drink a beer. After that I suspected something wasn’t right with that guy.

  31. You’re the wordsmith John…you have captured in words many of my exact thoughts on Obama and his brand of oily politics. He was of no help to Illinois. I’m happy that a skilled, successful business man was able to “Trump” the skilled, successful politicians whom he ran against two times. A skilled successful politician has generally been a reasonably attractive, unctuous, well spoken party regular…man or woman, but just an empty suit. You never see a older, bald, paunchy, jowly candidate elevated to prominence. True politicians are so superficial and transparent. Give me an achieving business man over any of them every time

  32. I must agree with you. Obama tried to shackle me to his administrations like a mule with a bit. I still wasn’t really sure how psychic I was, but considering the Secret Service’s shenanigans those days, it was quite a lot. Usually it was subliminally through my writing. Pritzker and Obama are going to replace Madigan as the slave drivers and carrot givers in the “new machine” based on torturing me like crazy for more tech. But I’m growing balls.

    I wanted to let you know about a certain individual named Jason Fahy, who glommed onto my family after my Mom passed. He staked out my sister at Christ Hospital’s ketamine program, went to the Ag School but no college. At first he appeared normal. But he was Ed Burke’s grand-nephew. He drugged and engaged in sordid affairs with my sister, with his friend James Esposito. He claimed, in a moment of lapse, to be a cop informant. One other time, drunk, he slipped and offered me $200,000, “it’s corrupt money though.”

    Fahy’s family was in the car that Jackie Wilson was accused of shooting up and has strong ties to the Machine (obviously) as well as Mount Greenwood cops and Masons. These are the type of johnnies the machine’s going to be using. I’d like him to stay away from my sister and my family.

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